We can announce what is an industry game changer.
From February 13th, 2025, all fire protection equipment must comply with the AS1851- 2012 Maintenance Standard
This is law. Yes, law from Feb 13th.
We shall release a client notification in January.
This is a huge in NSW and with our clients.
Some of the issues we are considering.
The NSW Govt has legislated Australian Standard AS1851-2012 maintenance standard into LAW .
The questions below are what we are asking in our Business and are good fodder for further industry discussion and feedback.
1: How will that affect our Business? FINANCIALLY – LOGISTICALLY ??
2: Are any fire maintenance company currently undertaking maintenance FULLY to AS1851 – 2012?? This is unlikely
3: What will be the gap between Service Now and Service as per AS1851- 2012 – FULLY ?? Full compliance??
4: How long will it take us to implement with clients?.?
5: Will fire protection companies’ internal systems be able to accommodate all the requirements of AS851?
6: Are their staff trained enough to undertake the work? If not, what’s involved to get them ready? How long would that take?
7: How will the education process affect fire protection clients like yourself ?
8: Do we have enough staff?
9: Will it change our Insurance Risk and/or Cost ?
10: What do we say to clients when they ask, why ? we have NOT been doing everything 100% to AS1851??
11: Is it now up to the council and the APFS to police that AS1851 -2012 has been adopted by the owner?
12: How might the industry approach these questions?
13: Will it increase the Client Loss rate in our Business? If so by how much? How do we mitigate that risk?
14: Will it see resurgence of Comprehensive Maintenance Contracts?
15: Does it just mean base service as normal and LOTS More extra services to quote?
16: How much will this increase costs to you as fire protection clients?
17: What happens – if maintenance companies – fail to adopt this? Will they fail FPAA Code of Conduct ?
19: Will it effect – how we undertake AFSS (Annual Fire Safety Statements)?
20: Transition. One of the biggest issues to consider may be the “transitional provisions”, particularly for activities that were not previously performed, such as five-yearly schedules. The standard does state that if the last 5-year service was conducted two years ago, then the next activity is to be done in 3 years, not 5 years from commencement of the Standard. But what happens if the 5 year service has never been undertaken ?? .To comply, the 5 year service could become due immediately the legislation comes into force.
21:Will your Insurance Policy cover you if you don’t confirm maintenance completed to AS1851-2012 ?
22: Education Webinars for Industry and Community ? If yes – When ??
23: Will FPAA Good Practice Guide be made available to purchase – so it can be sent to clients ?